Promisedland Villa And Top Motel Trip

7 Days

7D6N Promisedland Villa And Top Motel Trip (GV2-7D20007A)(SIC)
7天6晚 理想大地顶级VILLA之旅 (feat.伯朗大道.义大世界) (拼团)

Depart Every Sunday 逢星期日出发 

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Tour Highlights 行程亮点:

Taiwan lies on the western edge of the Pacific “rim of fire,” and continuous tectonic movements have created majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins, coastlines, and other natural landscapes. Taiwan’s tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates provide clear differentiation between the different seasons.

There are rare or endangered species of wildlife on the island. Among these are the land-locked salmon, Taiwan serow, Formosan rock monkey, Formosan black bear, blue magpie, Mikado pheasant, and Hsuehshan grass lizard.

Taiwan has 368 districts, townships, and small cities and counties, with rich and diverse cultural history, cultural landscapes, and recreational resources.Foreign visitors and Taiwanese travelers can enjoy the great experiences in Taiwan.

Article Source 资料来源

<p>Upon arrival, transfer to Taoyuan County- After check in, free at own leisure.</p><p>* Tao Garden Hotel or similar </p><p></p><p>抵达机场后由优秀导游迎接,出机场后前往指定下榻酒店,桃园邻近台北市,为台湾国门所在地。</p><p>* 桃花园饭店或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>Shifen Old Street : </strong> Shifen Old Street is located along the the Pingxi largest train station and railways. It is not only well-known to the old buildings, but also to the unique view that trains pass by in a very closed distance. The trains often bring surprises to tourists. The streets are lined with considerable number of sky lanterns and souvenir shops.</p><p>• <strong>Jiufen street: </strong> once abandoned after the mountain to dig gold, for the movie "City of Sadness" and once again flourishing, becoming the longest one of Taiwan's most lively streets, a variety of souvenirs, souvenirs and snacks, attract large numbers of tourists up the mountain shopping Do not miss the famous snack - taro round nine.</p><p>• <strong>Gold Falls : </strong> Because of the spring water and the rainwater infiltration into the gold mine area of Chinkuashih and Jiofen, the falls were polluted by oxidation of the metal ore and formed a very special golden waterfalls.</p><p>• <strong>Zhongshe Flower Market : </strong> Different beautifull and scaping throughout the year, Taiwan's largest tourism for the flowers, and often married couples in this wedding pictures.。</p><p>* Pei Kong Creak Resort or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>十分老街:</strong>十分老街位于平溪地区最大的火车站十分站铁道两旁,以全台独一无二火车门前过的街道奇景闻名,常给游客带来意外的惊喜,街道两旁有相当多天灯纪念品专卖店。</p><p>• <strong>九份:</strong>曾经是挖金矿后的废弃山城,因电影《悲情城市》而再度繁华,成为台湾最热闹最长的一条老街,各式各样的手信、纪念品及小吃,吸引大量游客上山逛街,千万不可错过有名的小吃~九份芋圆。</p><p>• <strong>黄金瀑布:</strong>金瓜石及九份产矿由于山泉水与雨水渗入,矿砂沉积溪床,水质饱含氧化的金属矿石颜色,形成相当特别的金黄色瀑布景观。</p><p>• <strong>中社花海:</strong>一年四季皆有不同美丽造景,为中台湾最大观光花海,并常有结婚新人在此拍婚纱留影。</p><p>* 沙八渡假村或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>SUN moon Lake : </strong> The SUN Moon Lake, located in the middle of Taiwan, with an elevation of 748 meters above sea level, is the only natural big lake in Taiwan. The southern part of Lalu Island is shaped like a new moon, and the northern part is shaped like a sun; hence the name SUN Moon Lake.</p><p>• <strong>E-DA World Theme Park:</strong> In the Greek context, the newest and most exciting rides are located in the park. The park is divided into three major areas: the elegant city of "David City" and the romantic Greek blue and white mountain city of "Santorini". "Mountain City" and the mythical "Troy City", the park's facilities are up to 47 items, the most exquisite architectural scene of the whole Taiwan, presented in front of you. It also has the latest addition to the dynamic Taiwan facility and Asia's largest VR theme park.</p><p>• <strong>E-DA OUTLET MALL:</strong> For the OUTLET, the biggest and best place to visit in Taiwan, there is no special offer, and the first place is OUTLET Plaza.</p><p>* E-Da Skylark Hotel or similar </p><p></p><p>• <strong>日月潭风景区:</strong>全台最大淡水湖泊,四周群峦叠翠,山水相映的景致相当美丽,南形如月弧,北形如日轮,所以名为『日月潭』,是古今中外游客来台必访景点。</p><p>• <strong>义大世界主题乐园:</strong>义大游乐世界以希腊情境式打造的义大游乐世界,最新最刺激的游乐设施都在里面,全园区共分为三大区:有典雅风格的“大卫城”、浪漫希腊蓝白山城的“圣托里尼山城”和充满神话色彩“特洛伊城”,园区设施高达47项堪称全台之冠最精致的建筑场景,呈现在您的眼前。并有最新增加动感台湾设施及亚洲最大VR主题乐园。</p><p>• <strong>义大世界OUTLET:</strong>为台湾最大最好逛之OUTLET,并不定时有特惠推出,喜好度第一名之OUTLET广场。</p><p>* 义大天悦饭店或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>Buddha Memorial Center : </strong> Built to worship buddha’s relic, the construction combines both Chinese and foreign techniques and skills. The main statue of the temple is 108 meters high and considered as the tallest statue of the world. </p><p>• <strong>V.I.P Zone:</strong> V.I.P Zone which was transformed from the old house in the village of Shengxing, attracts many entrepreneurs to enter the city, and integrates various installation art and painted figures to create a new cultural highlight of Pingtung.</p><p>• <strong>Tiehua Village:</strong> The tiehua village is the first official operation base of the “International Light Point Project” of the Tourism Bureau. The music gatherings created by Taitung musicians and artists and the slow market where the land is sprouting can be said to be Taitung. The music distribution center, the grassy lawn, the tall old tree, exudes a sense of freedom and leisure.</p><p>* Formosan Naruwan Garden Hotel or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>佛陀纪念馆:</strong>佛陀纪念馆为供奉佛祖的舍粒子而建,是一座融合古今与中外、传统与现代的建筑,具有文化与教育、慧解与修持的功能,主馆上方为世界最高108米佛像,馆内并有全世界第一间素食Starbucks,相当特别。</p><p>• <strong>胜利星村:</strong>胜利星村为旧房舍眷村改造而成的文青村落,吸引许多文创业着进驻,融合了各式的装置艺术与彩绘公仔,为屏东的文化新亮点。</p><p>• <strong>铁花村:</strong>铁花村音乐聚落为观光局“国际光点计划”的第一个正式营运据点,由台东音乐人和艺术工作者共同打造的音乐聚落及在地发芽的慢市集,可说是台东的音乐集散地,如茵的草地,高大的老树,散发一股自在、悠然的气息。</p><p>*那鲁湾花园酒店或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>Brown Avenue:</strong> An idyllic path in Chishang Township, Taitung County, which was popular for shooting advertisements for Braun coffee, is known as a "green paradise road." The vast green rice fields, there is no power pole on the roadside, really feel the endless, not only has a good view of the photo, but also can take the mind away from the hustle and bustle, and experience the pureness of relaxation.</p><p>• <strong>Tropic of Cancer: </strong> Tropic of Cancer is the northern hemisphere summer sun direct furthest distance from the equator , tropical and temperate regions segmentation important landmark line.</p><p>• <strong>Taroko National Park : </strong> Taroko is famous for its spectacular mountains and marble canyons. Cliffs and canyons stretch along Liwu River. Four million years ago, the island of Taiwan was formed by the collision of plates. After millions of years of wind erosion, the marble rocks were exposed and cut by Liwu River, creating impressive grand canyons.</p><p>• <strong>Eternal Spring Shrine : </strong> Spring water adjacent by the Eternal Spring Shine ( Changchun Temple) flows all year round, and the Highway Bureau named it after "Changchun Falls." It is now scenic spot with special significance on the Central Cross-Island Highway.</p><p>• <strong>Jiuqudong Trail:</strong> It is a section of the marble cliffs of the Taroko Gorge. It has been reopened after many years of closure! The beauty of the marble folds and landscapes along the way is spectacular! It is the most beautiful trail in the Taroko area.</p><p>• <strong>Dongdamen Night Market: </strong> Hualien is the newest and largest tourist night market , the integration of local and international tourist night market , food and cultural characteristics of the Hualien presented here , and there are quite a number of indigenous gourmet snacks</p><p>* Promisedland Resort & Lagoon★</p><p></p><p>• <strong>伯朗大道:</strong>台东县池上乡的一条田园小路,因拍摄了伯朗咖啡的广告而广受欢迎,被誉为是一条“翠绿的天堂路”。广大翠绿的稻田,路旁没有一支电线杆,真真实实感受到一望无际,不仅有着拍照的好景色,更能带着心灵远离喧嚣扰嚷,亲身体验一次放松的纯粹。</p><p>• <strong>北回归线:</strong>北回归线为夏天太阳直射北半球离赤道最远的距离,分割热带及温带地区的重要地标线</p><p>• <strong>太鲁阁国家公园:</strong>台湾知名国家公园,由大理石所构成的峡谷景观,沿途的风光山色,自然的岩石皱褶,清澈的山水溪流,相当美不胜收!</p><p>• <strong>长春祠:</strong>为纪念开挖中横公路死去的英雄,依山而盖,清新的泉水自山壁涌出,形成一道飞瀑,有如国画般的山水泼墨画美景,太鲁阁必拍景点。</p><p>• <strong>九曲洞:</strong>为太鲁阁峡谷的一段大理石峭壁山谷,封闭多年后重新开放!沿途大理石皱褶与山水之美,蔚为壮观!是太鲁阁景色最美的步道。</p><p>• <strong>东大门福町夜市:</strong>为花莲最新最大观光夜市,整合当地夜市与国际观光,将花莲美食与文化特色呈现在此,并有相当多的原住民美食小吃,来到花莲绝不可错过。</p><p>* 世界百大酒店:理想大地度假村.国际5★</p><p></p>

<p>• <strong>Chihsing Tan Scenic Area : </strong> The beach there has an elegant arch shape. The seawater there is clean and blue. The black stones there are crystal. From here visitors can see the great green mountains afar and the twisting highways.</p><p>• <strong>Brick Ark Museum : </strong> The museum has more than one million building blocks, more than a thousand collections, from the production of raw materials and molds from building blocks, to the famous masters of Lego in the United States, exhibiting hundreds of domestic and foreign masterpieces.</p><p>• <strong>101 Taipei: Taiwan's tallest building, with a total height of 508 meters, the integration of modern art and architectural features Chinese fengshui, there are around the world brand-name merchandise.</p><p>• <strong>Raohe Street Tourist Night Market : </strong> It is 600 meters in length, near Shongshan Railway Station. There is a decorated-archway in front of the entrance. There are various shops and stands in the night market. It presents Taiwanese characteristic and is definitely a place worth visiting.</p><p>* Sato-castle Wonderland or similar </p><p></p><p>• <strong>七星潭风景区:</strong>花莲最大最美的海岸,可欣赏太平洋风光,为花莲最佳的踏浪捡石好去处。</p><p>• <strong>乐高积木博物馆:</strong> Brick Ark 台湾开设亚洲首座“积木博物馆”! 全馆超过百万颗积木,逾千件馆藏,从积木生产原料与模具,到美国知名乐高大师作品,展出数百件国内、外大师级钜作。</p><p>• <strong>台北101:</strong>台湾第一高楼,总高度达508公尺,融合现代艺术及中国风水的特色建筑,内有世界各地名牌商品。</p><p>• <strong>饶河观光夜市:</strong>台北知名观光夜市,两侧商店及骑楼下的摊贩不计其数,因此来到此地的人,无论采买服饰、生活用品或吃喝玩乐,绝对能尽其所欲。</p><p>* 莎多堡奇幻汽车旅馆或同级</p>

<p>After breakfast, you are free at leisure till your departure transfer to Taoyuan C.K.S. Airport. Home Sweet Home!</p><p></p><p>早餐后,自由活动至时间到送往机场,搭乘豪华客机返回甜蜜的家。</p><p></p>

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • 6 Nights Accommodation (Local Star or Similar).<br class=""/>6 晚住宿。(当地星级或同等级) 。
  • 6 Breakfast / 5 Lunches / 2 Dinner.<br class=""/>6早餐 / 5午餐 / 2晚餐。
  • Sightseeing as per Itinerary.<br class=""/>行程列出之景点观光。
  • Whole Trip Transfer Service.<br class=""/>全程交通载送服务。
  • Professional Tour Guide.<br class=""/>专业导游接待。

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Return Economy Class Ticket.<br class=""/>往返经济舱座机票。
  • Tour Guide & Driving Tipping for whole trip.<br class=""/>导游与司机全程小费。
  • Travel Insurance (we can help Malaysian to arrange, foreigner please purchase at own country).<br class=""/>旅游保险(我们可协助马来西亚国籍旅客办理保险,其他国外旅客请自行在原籍地签购保险配套)。
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary.<br class=""/>所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。
  • The above itinerary is for reference only, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 1 adult & 1 child share room, child is the same price with adult.
  • 2 adults & 1 child share room, child extra bed 80%, child no bed 60%.
  • More than 110 centimeters (or 6 years old to 11 years old) Child extra bed, below 110 cm child no bed fare.
  • Below 2 years old(24 months) infant FOC.
    2 岁以下(24 月内)之 Infant 免费。
  • Price Not Applicable in Chinese New Year Period(20 Jan-28 Jan 2020, follow departure date).
    春节期间不适用 2020 年 1 月 20 日~1 月 28 日(以出发日为准)。
  • Any itinerary can request to change same city others hotel and subject to additional charges.
  • This package price valid for 2 to go, if only one person book the tour, the guest need to pay 2 persons tour fare.
  • SHOPPING STOP: Traditional Aboriginal Product, Tianlu Art Center, Pearl, Tea

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Promisedland Villa And Top Motel Trip

Contact Info

No.78-01 (First Floor), Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana, 81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]