Island’s Mountains and Attractions

8 Days

8D7N Island’s Mountains and Attractions (GV2-8D20006A)(SIC)
8天7晚 台湾名胜山林环岛之旅 (feat.故宫博物院) (拼团)

Depart Every Saturday 逢星期六出发

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Tour Highlights 行程亮点:

Taiwan lies on the western edge of the Pacific “rim of fire,” and continuous tectonic movements have created majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins, coastlines, and other natural landscapes. Taiwan’s tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates provide clear differentiation between the different seasons.

There are rare or endangered species of wildlife on the island. Among these are the land-locked salmon, Taiwan serow, Formosan rock monkey, Formosan black bear, blue magpie, Mikado pheasant, and Hsuehshan grass lizard.

Taiwan has 368 districts, townships, and small cities and counties, with rich and diverse cultural history, cultural landscapes, and recreational resources.Foreign visitors and Taiwanese travelers can enjoy the great experiences in Taiwan.

Article Source 资料来源

<p>Upon arrival, transfer to Taipei County- After check in, free at own leisure. </p><p>* Banqiao Golden Age Hotel or similar </p><p></p><p>抵达机场后由优秀导游迎接,出机场后前往指定下榻酒店,台北是台湾最大的都市,体验台北整体发展活泼的多样性。</p><p>* 金色年代饭店或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>Jiufen street: </strong> once abandoned after the mountain to dig gold, for the movie "City of Sadness" and once again flourishing, becoming the longest one of Taiwan's most lively streets, a variety of souvenirs, souvenirs and snacks, attract large numbers of tourists up the mountain shopping Do not miss the famous snack - taro round nine.</p><p>• <strong>Taroko National Park : </strong> Taroko is famous for its spectacular mountains and marble canyons. Cliffs and canyons stretch along Liwu River. Four million years ago, the island of Taiwan was formed by the collision of plates. After millions of years of wind erosion, the marble rocks were exposed and cut by Liwu River, creating impressive grand canyons.</p><p>• <strong>Eternal Spring Shrine : </strong> Spring water adjacent by the Eternal Spring Shine ( Changchun Temple) flows all year round, and the Highway Bureau named it after "Changchun Falls." It is now scenic spot with special significance on the Central Cross-Island Highway.</p><p>* Jin Cai Homestay or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>九份:</strong>曾经是挖金矿后的废弃山城,因电影《悲情城市》而再度繁华,成为台湾最热闹最长的一条老街,各式各样的手信、纪念品及小吃,吸引大量游客上山逛街,千万不可错过有名的小吃~九份芋圆。</p><p>• <strong>太鲁阁国家公园:</strong>台湾知名国家公园,由大理石所构成的峡谷景观,沿途的风光山色,自然的岩石皱褶,清澈的山水溪流,相当美不胜收!</p><p>• <strong>长春祠:</strong>为纪念开挖中横公路死去的英雄,依山而盖,清新的泉水自山壁涌出,形成一道飞瀑,有如国画般的山水泼墨画美景,太鲁阁必拍景点。</p><p>* 金采民宿或同级</p><p></p>

<p>• <strong>Chihsing Tan Scenic Area : </strong> The beach there has an elegant arch shape. The seawater there is clean and blue. The black stones there are crystal. From here visitors can see the great green mountains afar and the twisting highways.</p><p>• <strong>Farglory Ocean Park: </strong> Farglory Ocean Park Hualien, Taiwan is now quite famous Ocean Park. 10 kinds of features at Ocean Park Ocean Village, Kaiyukan, shark aquarium, sea lions ecological park, ecological park dolphin, dolphins swim pool, sea lions feeding pool, street carnivals, water parks, machinery park, children's kingdom, Fantasy Crystal Castle theme park, visitors can see a variety of strange this precious marine, and see wonderful exquisite, sea lions and dolphins surf applauded the show, is a vivid, rich tourist paradise.</p><p>• <strong>Tropic of Cancer: </strong> Tropic of Cancer is the northern hemisphere summer sun direct furthest distance from the equator , tropical and temperate regions segmentation important landmark line.</p><p>* Naruwan Inn or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>七星潭风景区:</strong>花莲最大最美的海岸,可欣赏太平洋风光,为花莲最佳的踏浪捡石好去处。</p><p>• <strong>远雄海洋公园:</strong>远雄海洋公园位于花莲,目前是台湾地区相当著名的海洋公园。于海洋公园内设有海洋村、海游馆、鲨鱼馆、海狮生态公园、海豚生态公园、海豚同游池、海狮喂养池、嘉年华大街、水上乐园、机械乐园、儿童王国、梦幻水晶城堡等10多种主题乐园,游客们可在此看到多种稀奇珍贵的海洋生物,及看到精采绝伦、拍岸叫好的海狮及海豚秀,是一处生动、丰富的观光乐园。</p><p>• <strong>北回归线:</strong>北回归线为夏天太阳直射北半球离赤道最远的距离,分割热带及温带地区的重要地标线。</p><p>* 那鲁湾会馆或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>Meinong Hakka Village : </strong> Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum is located as a local landmark. It has the important mission of the preservation of Hakka culture and heritage. Thrifty hard Hakka traditional virtues and spirit is revealed.</p><p>• <strong>Fo Guang Shan : </strong> Here you will find the Buddhist center of South Taiwan, established my Master Hsing Yun and his disciples. The architecture of the temples is very characteristic, and at the southeastern side of Fo Gunag Mountain (Gunag Shan) Monastery the most prominent landmark of the region is found: a huge golden statue of Buddha Amitaabha which measures some 120 meters.</p><p>• <strong>Dragon and Tiger Twin Towers: </strong> Kaohsiung famous scenic spot,and the dragon tower was quite characteristic of the cultural construction of the temple, you can walk into the dragon tower, I remember, "the dragonthroat,thejaws of death"for their own good luck</p><p>• <strong>Xinjujiang Night Market : </strong> Young people, new fashion, recreation, shopping and dining all collide at New Juejiang, which is rapidly sucking in new businesses to become Kaohsiung's biggest shopping destination. New Juejiang is the place to go in southern Taiwan for imported goods and chic attire, much of it arriving in step with debuts in the fashion capitals of the world.</p><p>* Zhao Lai Hotel or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>美浓客家村:</strong> 为推广美浓客家文化而成立,并保有美浓油纸伞的手工艺品技术,此外并有相当多客家美食及客家文物,来此必喝的是客家擂茶。</p><p>• <strong>佛光山:</strong> 佛光山为台湾最大之佛寺,南台湾的佛教圣地,其内最具特色的地标是大佛城,四周有 480尊小型金身阿隬陀佛塑像围绕。大雄宝殿的三世佛祖相当雄伟,更显其庄重严肃。</p><p>• <strong>龙虎塔:</strong> 龙虎塔为相当特色之文化建筑,您可以走进龙虎塔内,记得『入龙喉、出虎口』为自己带来好运喔!</p><p>• <strong>新崛江商圈:</strong> 高雄最热闹的商圈,各类精品、服饰,款式前卫与巴黎、米兰、香港、东京同步流行,为南台湾年轻人最喜爱的流行商场,是年轻人的流行购物天堂。</p><p>* 昭来商旅或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>Alishan Forest Park : </strong> Alishan is very famous for the sunrise view and the cloud ocean. The clouds are so dense and thick that the mountaintops appear like islands on the cloud ocean. The best time to watch the cloud season is autumn and visitors can go to Ziyun Temple, Alishan Hotel, Alishan Rail Station, Zaoping Park and the first parking lot.</p><p>* Alishan Gou Hotel or similar </p><p></p><p>• <strong>阿里山森林游乐区:</strong> 阿里山森林游乐区内许多著名的景点如姐妹潭、树灵塔、三代木、受镇宫、三兄弟、象鼻木、光武桧是到阿里山旅游不可错过的景点,走在园区内可以享受天然的红桧木芬多精,并感受巨大神木的雄伟的震撼!</p><p>* 高山青大饭店或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>SUN moon Lake : </strong> The SUN Moon Lake, located in the middle of Taiwan, with an elevation of 748 meters above sea level, is the only natural big lake in Taiwan. The southern part of Lalu Island is shaped like a new moon, and the northern part is shaped like a sun; hence the name SUN Moon Lake.</p><p>• <strong>Wen-Wu Temple : </strong> Located in the northern waist, dedicated to Confucius (Wen-sheng), Yue Fei and Guan Yu (Wu Sheng), named after temples built along the mountain. The temple consisted of three sections, colored golden-yellow, is a typical northern China styled momentum. </p><p>• <strong>Fengjia Night Market : </strong> It is one of Taichung's famous commercial business districts, covering approximately one kilometer in diameter around Feng Chia University and includes the Fengjia-Wenhua Night Market, Fengjia Rd., and Fuxing Rd. In this CBD, you can find delicious snack foods and quality clothes at reasonable prices to express your unique personality.</p><p>* Miller Inn or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>日月潭游船:</strong> 搭乘游艇欣赏全台最大淡水湖泊,四周群峦叠翠,山水相映的景致相当美丽,南形如月弧,北形如日轮,所以名为『日月潭』,是古今中外游客来台必访景点。</p><p>• <strong>文武庙:</strong> 位于潭北山腰上,因供奉孔子(文圣)、岳飞及关羽(武圣)而得名,殿宇沿山势而建,分前、中、后三殿,占地广阔,色彩以金黄色为主,为中国北宫殿式庙宇,气势十分雄伟。</p><p>• <strong>逢甲夜市:</strong> 是全台湾最大且著名的观光夜市,逢甲夜市的消费以『俗搁大碗』为最吸引各路爱好夜市的民众;并以新奇又有趣的小吃闻名,成为创新小吃的原始地,大肠包小肠、碳烤鸡排、懒人虾、红茶冰…等都是不可错过的美食。</p><p>* 米乐商旅或同级</p>

<p>• <strong>National Palace Museum : </strong> One of the world's four major museums, with the reputation of "the treasure house of Chinese culture", contains the world's most invaluable Chinese art treasures, covering 5,000 years of Chinese history, with a collection of nearly 700,000 pieces, and Taiwan must see museums. </p><p>• <strong>Taipei 101 Shopping Mall : </strong> Taipei 101 with height of 508 meters is a new landmark in Taipei. This building is an integration of the classical Oriental culture and Taiwan local characteristics offering elegant and spacious shopping space within the shopping center.</p><p>• <strong>CKS Memorial Hall : </strong> Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall was built to commemorate the late President Chiang Kai-shek. It is a popular resort which activities, gatherings and wedding photography seen all the time and it is a place that foreign tourists have to visit.</p><p>• <strong>Ximending : </strong> Here is a collection of all the favorite of the young people nowadays including movies, fashion, popular collectables, tattoos, international cuisine, idol singer autograph ... Ximending becomes teenagers new paradise.</p><p>* Onetel or similar</p><p></p><p>• <strong>故宫博物院:</strong> 世界四大博物馆之一,拥有“中华文化宝库”的美名,藏有全世界最多的无价中华艺术宝藏,涵盖了五千年的中国历史,馆藏量近70万件,台湾必看博物馆。</p><p>• <strong>台北101:</strong> 台湾第一高楼,总高度达508公尺,融合现代艺术及中国风水的特色建筑,内有世界各地名牌商品。</p><p>• <strong>台湾总统府:</strong>总统府原为日本时期的台湾总督府办公厅,为后期文艺复兴式建筑,立面充满古典样式的建筑语汇,包括圆拱窗、牛眼窗、托座、罗马柱式…等,堪称日本时期台湾的代表性建筑。</p><p>• <strong>中正纪念堂:</strong> 为纪念台湾第一位总统 蒋介石而建造,占地广阔、建筑美丽,是民众活动聚会及婚纱摄影的胜地,更成为国外游客必访之地。</p><p>• <strong>西门町:</strong> 这里集合了时下年青人所有的最爱,电影、流行服饰、饰品、流行精品、舶来品、刺青、各国美食、偶像歌手签唱会…,都让西门町成为年轻人最爱的流行新乐园。</p><p>* 一乐园饭店或同级</p>

<p>After breakfast, you are free at leisure till your departure transfer to Taoyuan C.K.S. Airport. Home Sweet Home!</p><p></p><p>早餐后,自由活动至时间到送往机场,搭乘豪华客机返回甜蜜的家。</p><p></p>

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • 7 Nights Accommodation (Local Star or Similar).<br class=""/>7 晚住宿。(当地星级或同等级) 。
  • 7 Breakfast / 6 Lunches / 2 Dinner.<br class=""/>7早餐 / 6午餐 / 2晚餐。
  • Sightseeing as per Itinerary.<br class=""/>行程列出之景点观光。
  • Whole Trip Transfer Service.<br class=""/>全程交通载送服务。
  • Professional Tour Guide.<br class=""/>专业导游接待。

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Return Economy Class Ticket.<br class=""/>往返经济舱座机票。
  • Tour Guide & Driving Tipping for whole trip.<br class=""/>导游与司机全程小费。
  • Travel Insurance (we can help Malaysian to arrange, foreigner please purchase at own country).<br class=""/>旅游保险(我们可协助马来西亚国籍旅客办理保险,其他国外旅客请自行在原籍地签购保险配套)。
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary.<br class=""/>所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。
  • The above itinerary is for reference only, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 1 adult & 1 child share room, child is the same price with adult.
  • 2 adults & 1 child share room, child extra bed 80%, child no bed 60%.
  • More than 110 centimeters (or 6 years old to 11 years old) Child extra bed, below 110 cm child no bed fare.
  • Below 2 years old(24 months) infant FOC.
    2 岁以下(24 月内)之 Infant 免费。
  • Price Not Applicable in Chinese New Year Period(20 Jan-28 Jan 2020, follow departure date).
    春节期间不适用 2020 年 1 月 20 日~1 月 28 日(以出发日为准)。
  • Any itinerary can request to change same city others hotel and subject to additional charges.
  • This package price valid for 2 to go, if only one person book the tour, the guest need to pay 2 persons tour fare.
  • SHOPPING STOP: Traditional Aboriginal Product, Tianlu Art Center, Pearl, Tea

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Island’s Mountains and Attractions

Contact Info

No.78-01 (First Floor), Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana, 81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]