<p>Arrive Labuan Airport/Labuan International Ferry Terminal, meet and greet by our representative and proceed to Labuan City Tour:</p><p><ul></p><p></p><p><li><strong>LABUAN MUSEUM</strong> - Displays the history and culture of Labuan. Its history covers pre-historic era of Labuan, Brunei Sultanate, British colonial days, World War II, Independence, declaration of Labuan as federal Territory up to the establishment of Labuan Corporation. </p><p></p><p><li><strong>MUSUEM SQUARE</strong> - Where one can still see a few old houses of colonial design. Four old Flame of the Forest still stand in this area, casting a shade over park benches and commemorative stones. The trees were planted by the Chinese, Malay, Indians and European Communities in 1953 to mark the coronation of Queen Elizabeth ll. </p><p></p><p><li><strong>WAR WORLD II MEMORIALS PARK</strong> - 3,908 graves of soldiers who either died in battle or captivity lie here. Most of the soldiers were Australians and British with some from the Punjab Signal Corp, New Zealand as well as a few locals.</p><p></p><p><li><strong>LABUAN SEA SPORT COMPLEX</strong>- Center for major sea sports activities and a venue for carnival, you will visiting the MARINE MUSEUM which preserve the marine life.</p><p></p><p><li><strong>THE WATER VILLAGE</strong> - The houses here, which are built right at the water's edge, are made of wood and sit on high stilts, joined together with a maze of wooden walkways. Visitors are free to roam around the vicinity of the water villages and observe the humble lifestyle of a predominantly fishing community. </p><p></p><p><li><strong>PEACE PARK & JAPANESE SURRENDER POINT</strong> – The Peace Park was built as a memorial and also as a renunciation of the horrors of war. It is dominated by the memorial mound which is surrounded by landscaped gardens and pavilions. Small ponds with stone bridges and park seats are all Japanese-inspired.</p><p></p><p><li><strong>THE CHIMNEY</strong>- The 106 feet high structure is Labuan’s most well-known landmark. It was built in the 1800’s. The actual purpose of the Chimney is still a mystery but many believe it served as a ventilation shaft. Recent archaeological study found no traces of smoke to suggest its use as a chimney. </p><p></p><p><li><strong>DUTY FREE SHOP / FINANCIAL PARK SHOPPING COMPLEX</strong> - with so many duty free shops, Labuan is indeed as a shopping paradise. Products for sale includes perfumes, chocolate, liquor and etc.</p><p></ul></p><p></p><p><于酒店大堂与导游会合后,开始轻松的纳闽岛一日游,行程包括:</p><p><ul></p><p> <li><strong>纳闽博物馆</strong> - 一个从战前建筑改建而成的博物馆,展示了纳闽经历二战前后、汶来国统治时期、英国殖民时期及被归纳为马来西亚联邦直辖区的珍贵历史及文物。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>纳闽历史广场</strong> - 仅位于纳闽博物馆正前方,当时仍为英国殖民地时,为纪念1953年英女皇二世登基,当时纳闽岛上的华人、马来人、印度人及欧洲人社群分别在此栽种了四颗榕树,迄今已然茁壮成长。此处也有多座颇有纪念性及历史价值的石碑。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>二战纪念碑公园</strong>- 一座由英联邦国殇纪念坟场管理委员会管理的纪念公园,环境整洁清幽,阳光普照,3908个阵亡的二战战士长眠于此,是马来西亚国内最大的二战纪念公园,也是岛上非去不可的景点。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>纳闽国际水上运动中心及小型海洋博物馆</strong> - 这里是耗资千万令吉打造的国际水上运动中心,可参观附设的小型海洋博物馆,以及眺望美丽的汶莱湾。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>水上村庄</strong> - 源自汶莱水村的设计与概念,初期的村民以汶莱马来人(Brunei Malays) 为主,但现在与当地人通婚的情况已相当普遍,已无区域性马来人之分。顾名思义,水村乃兴建于海湾上的吊脚木屋,以木桥连接着各家各户,村内设有小型的回教堂、幼稚园及杂货店。村民仍维持着传统的马来人生活,多以捕鱼为生,家家户户都拥有各自的船只。水村设计简单朴实,但五颜六色的房子极具特色,加上村内浓厚的文化色彩,是爱好摄影者的必游景点。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>和平公园</strong> - 这座由马拉西亚政府与日本政府联合兴建的公园,借此纪念二战中牺牲的平民与战士,位于公园右则的是日军在二战时战败后投降的地点,从此结束了婆罗洲区的战争。该区亦是东南亚区首个设立战争罪行军事审判法庭的地方。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>烟囱</strong> - 位于纳闽岛北端的神秘烟囱是纳闽的地标,建于1800年左右,高108米,经考古学家考查后仍无法确定其用途,既非灯塔亦非燃煤之用,为烟囱披上了一层神秘面纱。</p><p></p><p><li><strong>免税商店及金融中心购物广场</strong> - 纳闽岛是马来西亚免税购物天堂之一,凡是进口烟、酒、巧克力、香水、布料、陶瓷餐具等,价廉物美,一定可以买到属意的手信。</p><p></ul></p>